Monday, September 22, 2008

People Who Know My Face...

It’s that special time of the year again, when people I love trickle into JFK and LaGuardia and stay in Brooklyn for a few days. This time around, however the tension of living with fuck-tards is out of the way, and my company and I can relax and enjoy the first few days of Fall in peace.

My mother will be first to arrive on Thursday. We don’t have anything solid planned other than to see a show and take in the sights of Manhattan. I don’t think she’s been to New York since she was around my age, maybe younger. I’ll be taking her to Dumbo (my personal favorite), the WTC, Time Square, Fifth Ave…and so on. I know her brand of motherly care is just what I need right now. I’m sure it’ll be a big huge, “Hi BABIEEEE!!” Followed by a light-hearted, “You BRAT.” for good measure. I can’t wait to see her wide smile and give her a big hug. I’m sure she’ll make me cut her hair, which of course (Mom if you’re reading this…) I’ll use as a bargaining tool to get a nice pair of something or other while we’re in the city. Hee hee..

Then come’s the future Mr. My Husband. After I realized that flying from New Orleans (which is about a 5 hour drive for D) to JFK is well under $200 I probed him to come see me. So he’ll be flying out on the 2nd and staying for the weekend. Wrapping my arms around him and keeping him locked in my bedroom for the entire time is about all the plans I have in mind as of yet. I haven’t seen him since August, and I probably won’t see him again until the holidays (Christmas probably). Honestly I plan on nothing more than sleeping in his arms, possibly seeing a movie, perhaps having one meal outside my apartment, but then retreating immediately back to my bedroom. I’m sure he’ll have no complaints.

After a long and drama-full summer, I’m looking forward to hanging out with two of the people who know me best. Between the motherly love and attention and the security of my man’s strong arms, riding out the rest of the year should be a breeze.

It’ll at least hold me until Obama wins the election.